Heinz von Foerster: 3 mal 2 ist 2 mal 3
One of my all time favorites: Heinz von Foerster. (Sorry, it’s in German)
One of my all time favorites: Heinz von Foerster. (Sorry, it’s in German)
Mark Blyth: Austerity. The History of a Dangerous Idea, the book can be ordered from the Oxford University Press.
Via Wolfgang
“Division of Labour, in itself, creates nothing. It is only a way of organizing work that has already been created. […] Division of labour is a device for archieving operating efficiency, nothing more. Of itself, It has no power to promote further economic development. And because not, division of labour is even extraordinarily limited at inproving operating efficiency in any given work. All further increases in efficiency, once existing work has been suitably divided into tasks, depend upon the addition of new activities.”
Jane Jacobs: The Economy of Cities, S 82f
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Auf der Picnic Konferenz in Amsterdam hat der kanadische Blogger und Science Fiction-Autor Cory Doctorow über die Zukunft des Verlegens in digitalen Zeiten gesprochen. Die Kurzbeschreibung lautet:
How do you design an object that trades on the unique physical aspects of a freely copyable digital work? As more and more artists experiment with free downloads and paid premium items, we’ve begun a glorious arms-race to see who can create and sell the most outrageous, artisanal, limited items. It’s a perfect storm of maker culture, free culture, and independent arts.
Für die ausführliche Version des Vortrags lohnt sich der folgende Video-Mitschnitt:
via PSFK