Bestes Bio-Trockenobst und -Nüsse bei MOY kaufen

Ich hatte schon immer einen Faible für gutes Essen. Vor nicht all zu langer Zeit habe ich deswegen mit einem Freund zusammen MOY gestartet, dass aktuell Nüsse, Trockenobst und Saaten in bester Bio-Qualität anbietet. Meine Highlights sind u.a. die getrockneten Mangos aus Burkina Faso und die Medjool Datteln. Aber auch Klassiker wie Studentenfutter oder Cashews sind bei mir hoch im Kurs.

A clever way to ask for push notification permissions

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Quite a clever way to convince a user to opt in for push notifications. Unfortunately I can’t remember what app that was, since I took the screenshot some months ago and just stumbled upon it in the camera roll. It was one of the 500 print-your-photos apps…

When your butt hits the sofa, you lose 20 IQ points

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Found this quote in one of the keynotes of last years I/O conference (can’t find the link to the YouTube videos, but the talk was about designing for Android TV). – It’s a good reminder if you’d consider building apps for TV platforms like Apple TV, Android TV or Fire TV.

(Btw if you are interested in working with me on TV apps, get in touch, we’re hiring:

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Stumbled upon this the other day… quite liked the wording “Your price” for a temporary promotion.

Product strategy is about saying no

I just have to re-watch it from time to time: Product strategy is about saying no by @destraynor

Des Traynor, Intercom at Business of Software Conference 2013 – Product Strategy is About Saying No from The BLN & Business of Software on Vimeo.

My Top Artists 2013

Jakobs Top 15 Artists 2013

My top 15 artists 2013 according to

Wanted: Dead Simple Affiliate Marketing Service

For a couple of months now, I’m on the hunt for a dead simple and smoothly working affiliated marketing service for Picpack. It should be as simple as The Deck Network . I don’t need a lot of features…

What I’ve found so far, but none of them fits exactly what I’m looking for, are the following companies:

Any hint for a better alternative is really appreciated.